Thursday, September 27, 2007

Talk or else!

So much for finding my inner gladiator and making a stand. Someone else had a different strategy and now I’m jobless.

Pity. I fancied being the thorn in the side of a few people. Nice people don’t win, or so they say. Just for once I wanted to be difficult and stand my ground. Nothing wrong with the work, they said, just making an atmosphere in the office. Talk or we’ll take out a grievance.

Despite my better judgement, I did as they asked but it didn’t work. Things were said that can’t be unsaid. Attitudes taken and the temperature rose. Sometimes you have to know when to walk away and when to fight. It was time to walk away.

In truth, this storm-in-a-teacup is a symptom, not the problem. I’m not using my skills nor am I challenged while I sit at that desk. I’m cheating myself and taking it out on everyone else purely because it’s cosy and the pay cheque is generous. Not good enough.

I’ve walked away without needing to work my notice. They’ve given me that. It’s another opportunity to add to the others that suddenly appear to be piling up. Lucky us. On a high, I want to make the move we’re always talking about now. Suddenly all the best jobs seem to be over there, all the nicest homes are being offered at ridiculously low prices – maybe this is the push we need. Our ties here are being cut for us …

Time to go, I think.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

More ripples


I seem to have a few. So why do I feel down-in-the-mouth about it all? Is it because the change is being forced upon me? Ironically, this is just what I have wanted for ages so why am I glum?

I had a bit of a plan. It wasn’t much, that’s for sure. But a plan, nonetheless. I would finish the contract and leave as planned in January by which time, hopefully, our two expected ‘bonuses’ would have boosted the coffers. But it’s only mid-September and pressure at work has forced to me resign. When I walk away exactly is still open to debate – it could have been today, it might be in a month or it might still be in January if I have the nerve and the balls to refuse to budge.

I tend to take the easy way out, the path of least aggro: exit before anyone notices; don’t put anyone to any bother, heaven forbid! But today I am feeling defiant. Why should I be the one to back down, to be forced to change my opinion about something that is important to me? I want to stand face-to-face and eye-to-eye with V (a bit hard as she’s at least four inches shorter than me) and say ‘sack me, or I’m staying until the contract ends’.

My stand will create waves. People to gossip and sides taken and grievance procedures may be set in motion but at least I’ll have made a stand. I risk being sacked with my record marked, or considered a nuisance. There may be some dodgy days and no one can fault my work. More importantly, I won’t have scuttled away just to make life easy for others.

Or will I?

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The adventure begins

Events have happened and decisions made. It’s a potentially exciting time for us. This is the perfect time to be open and honest and not afraid to voice even the tiniest idea. Who knows, it might be the spark that sets the world alight.

And so being honest, I hope one day to be living somewhere else, working in a different way and enjoying a simpler but more satisfying lifestyle.

We’re talking about Norfolk – big, open skies, space and access to the seashore. The roads are quieter and drivers more courteous and folk generally have time to say hello and give you a smile. It’s a place that seems to live by sensible values and not be swayed by stupid London trends.

Work might be difficult. Current skills and experience make it harder to imagine alternatives but we’ll give it a go. Work might be how we earn the essential income but does it also have to be drudgery? All we want is satisfaction from a day’s work, some variety and challenge and to feel that it’s all worthwhile.

Ah, the question of a simpler lifestyle! What does that mean? Time to stop and stare, as a man once said. Having the opportunity to get to know the neighbours. Regularly buying food that’s been grown in the area rather than shipped in from the other side of the world. Actually enjoying the garden without the motorway providing background noise.

We’ve talked about making changes for ages. Sometimes I think someone eavesdrops and sends ripples through our pool. Such a ripple has given us an unexpected opportunity for change. Are we brave enough to give it a go? These are the goals. The adventure begins…